青 岛大 学 2 0 17 年 硕士 研究 生 入学 考试 试题
科 目 代 码 : 9 1 5 科 目 名 称 : 英 语 基 础 综 合 ( 共 5 页 )
请 考 生 写 明 题 号 , 将 答 案 全 部 答 在 答 题 纸 上 , 答 在 试 卷 上 无 效
I . F or ea ch qu es tio n, t her e a re f our c hoi ce s o f a ns wer s. O nl y o ne c hoi ce
i s c orr ec t. ( 30 p oi nts )
1. Which of the following consonants is a stop or plosive?
A. [m] B. [d] C. [w] D. [f]
2. Metaphors like "He is made of iron" are extreme examples in which the
maxim of ________ of Cooperative Principle is violated.
A. quantity
B. quality
C. relation
D. manner
3. Which of the following is a morpheme?
A. com- in computer
B. -ment in establishment
C. -er in water
D. -guist- in linguistics
4. Which of the following design features of language refers to the fact
that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their
A. arbitrariness
B. duality
C. creativity
D. displacement
5. What syntactic relation does the following structure show?
(preceded by) NP (followed by)
A pretty girl smiles
The tallest boy sings
The African man cries