2019年昆明理工大学翻译硕士英语考研真题211.doc第 1 页 共 8 页
昆明理工大学 2019 年 硕士 研 究 生招 生 入 学 考 试 试题(A 卷)
考试科目代码:211 考试科目名称 :翻译硕士英语
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Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (1x30=30 points)
In this section, there are thirty incomplete sentences. For each sentence four choices marked A, B, C
and D are given. Decide which of the alternatives best completes the sentence. Write the appropriate
letter on the ANSWER SHEET.
1. Because the cost of living in the United States is very high, ________ students should be
advised to budget their financial resources with great care.
A. perspective B. prosperous C. prospective D. protective
2. When total taxes are ________ from personal income, the remainder is called disposable income.
A. distracted B. detracted C. contracted D. subtracted
3. ________ should we seek temporary economic development at the expense of the environment and
A. Under any circumstances not B. Not under a circumstance
C. Under no circumstances D. No circumstance
4. We want our children to have more than job skills; we want their lives to be ________ and their
perspectives to be broadened.
A. envisaged B. excelled C. exceeded D. enriched
5. In East field, the conductor of the town’s orchestra is a very ________ citizen, even more renowned
than the mayor or the police chief.
A. dictatorial B. prominent C. fastidious D. rebellious
6. In the 1860’s, author Leo Tolstoy was________ with his family in the Tula region of Russia; while
comfortably established there, he wrote War and Peace.
A. ensconced B. circumscribed C. avowed D. coerced
7. He entered the United States in 1988 as a ________ resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.
A. perpetual B. migrant C. registered D. permanent
8. Caught ________ guard by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to
“scorch the earth” in front of the German invaders.
A. in B. on C. under D. off
9. Just as a reader skims quickly over the individual words on page, so we ________ see a tree
exactly and completely with regard to its leaves, branches, color, shape.
A. scarcely B. ironically C. logically D. legally
10. When ________ animals are removed from their wild habitats and kept as pets, the pet owners
are likely to incur injuries.
A. feral B. vivacious C. docile D.benign