2020年杭州师范大学英语文学基础考研真题826.DOC杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 招 生 考 试 命 题 纸
2020 年 考试科 目代码 826 考试科目 名称 英语 文学基 础 (本 考试科目 共 5 页,第 1 页)
杭 州 师 范 大 学
2020 年 招收 攻读 硕 士研 究 生考 试 题
考 试科目代码: 826
考 试科目名称: 英 语文学基础
说明: 考生 答题 时一 律写 在答题 纸上 ,否 则漏 批责 任自负 。
该 试卷 全部用 英文 作答。 注意 有选做 题 ; 如全做 以最 低分计 算。
Part I Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one
that would best complete the statement. (20x2)
1. About the Renaissance humanists which of the following statements is true?
A. They thought money and social status was the measure of all things.
B. They emphasized the dignity of human beings and the importance of the worldly life.
C. They couldn't see the importance of worldly happiness.
D. They thought people were largely subordinated to the ruling class without any freedom
and independence.
2. Which of the following is not John Milton’s works?
A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained C. Samson Agonistes D. The Pilgrim’ s Progress
3. Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels gives an unparalleled_____ depiction of the vices of his age.
A. religious B. romantic C. satirical D. comic
4. William Blake’s Songs of Experience paints a world of _____ with a melancholy tone.
A. misery, poverty, disease, war and repression
B. happiness and love and romantic ideals
C. misery, poverty mixed with love and happiness
D. loss and institutional cruelty with sufferings
5. Through his poems, Byron created the “Byronic hero” who is _____.
A. a brave and stubborn rebel figure of noble origin
B. a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin
C. a proud, mysterious rebel figure of lower origin
D. a brilliant, independent and romantic figure of his time
6. Which of the following can’t be included in the critical realists of the Victorian Period?
A. Charlotte and Emily Bronte
B. Charles Dickens and William M. Thackeray
C. Thomas Hardy and George Eliot
D. D. H. Laurence and James Joyce
7. “Ode on a Grecian Urn” shows the contrast between the______ of art and the____ of human passion.
A. glory ,ugliness B. permanence, transience
C. transience ,sordidness D. glory ,permanence