宁波大学 2019 年硕 士 研 究 生 招 生考 试 初 试 试 题(B 卷)
( 答案必须写在考点提供的答 题纸上)
第 1 页 共 2 页
科目代码: 340 总分 值: 150 科目名称: 农业知识综合二
一 、营 养生理 (75 分)
1 .请 讨论 水产 动物 吸收 的 氨基酸 分配 模式 。 (10 分)
2 .抗 氧化 剂作 用的 机理 如 何?写 出三 种常 用的 抗氧 化剂 。 (15 分)
3 .配 合饲 料配 方设 计的 原 则是什 么 ? (10 分)
4 .动 物性 蛋白 饲料 营养 成 分的特 点如 何 ? (15 分)
5 .鱼 虾类 利用 糖类 的能 力 低,其 原因 何在 ? (10 分)
6 . 翻 译(15 分)
Lipid is one of the important nutrients for mollusks, especially at larval and juvenile stages, have
also been demonstrated (Delaunay et al., 1991; Marty et al., 1992; Robinson, 1992; Mai et al., 1995).
Lipid provides the source of energy, essential fatty acids (EFA) and other lipid classes like
phospholipids and sterols and fat-soluble vitamins (Watanabe, 1982). Knowledge of the protein sparing
effects of non-protein nutrients such as lipids or carbohydrates are necessary and should be used to
reduce feed costs and limit ammonia production (Vergara et al., 1999). Meanwhile, excessive energy in
diets can lead to decrease feed consumption (especially protein and other nutrients intake) and reduced
growth (Ellis and Reich, 1991). Lipid in mollusk larvae have been used as an index for monitoring their
physiological and nutritional status, and potential for successful metamorphosis (Gallager et al., 1986).
However, information on the quantitative requirement of dietary lipid and its utilization in mollusk is
mainly focus on the abalone. The optimal dietary lipid level of mollusk species, such as Haliotis discus
hannai ( 皱纹 盘鲍 ) (Uki et al., 1985; Mai et al., 1995), Haliotis tuberculata (L) (欧洲疣 鲍)(Mai
et al., 1995) had been demonstrated.