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  • 上传作者:宁波大学
  • 上传时间:2020-11-13
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文档路径淘题库 > 考研专业题库 > 浙江高校 > 宁波大学 > 外国语学院 >

2020年宁波大学基础英语考研真题661.doc 宁波大学 2020 年硕 士 研 究 生 招 生考 试 初 试 试 题(A 卷) ( 答案必须写在考点提供的答 题纸上) 第 1 页 共 10 页 科目代码: 661 总分值: 150 科目名称: 基础英语 Part I Vocabulary (30 points) Directions: There are 30 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Please write the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet. 1. Kate Chopin exposed the conventions of her time that kept women in a state of near constant ________. A) restoration B) revolution C) repression D) revelation 2. The pyramids are an eloquent ________ to the ancient Egyptians’ engineering skills. A) evidence B) testimony C) attribute D) symbol 3. Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usually the _________ of the first week’s rent, if you take accommodation they have found for you. A) same B) similarity C) equal D) equivalent 4. This is a Babylonian and Assyrian epic in which a hero embarks on an _________ search for immortality. A) exhausting B) exhaustive C) exhaustible D) exhausted 5 The company’s business has _________ because of good management and a suitable marketing policy. A) highlighted B) increased C) prevailed D) thrived 6. U.S. firms could be at a disadvantage in competing for ________ to Russian markets. A) process B) access C) excess D) success 7. During the summer holiday season there are no ________ rooms in this seaside hotel. A) empty B) blank C) vacant D) deserted 8. Those ________ lakeside settings with their ever-changing vistas make the lakes and their stunning rural beauty a place to visit time after time. A) idyllic B) latent C) gushing D) unsettling 9. There’s always intense media coverage of air crashes and that can really play into people’s fears and _________ their perceptions of how safe it is to fly. A) preoccupy B) misconceive C) initiate D) skew 10. In summer, huge areas of the French countryside are regularly _________ by forest fires. A) wrecked B) removed C) impaired D) devastated 11. Participants in this sailboat race spent most of it in_________: one sailor, one boat, and a vast ocean. A) separation B) solitude C) privacy D) remoteness 12. Finally, she wrote to the board chairman, _________ for intervention in the situation. A) imposing B) imploring C) striving D) alienating 13. To_________ his death, national flags all over the country were hoisted at half-mast. A) regret B) lament C) depress D) gratify 14. The British have always taken a quiet — sometimes practically unwitting — pleasure in _________foreigners. A) perplexing B) perceiving C) startling D) persevering
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