2017 年硕 士研究 生 招生 考 试试 题 (A 卷)
科 目代 码及名 称: 820 英 语语 言学 适 用 专业 :英语 语言 文学 01、03 方 向考 生
I. Define the following terms. (30 points)
1. exocentric; 2. phonology; 3. root; 4. converse antonymy; 5. Nida ’s classification of
culture; 6. constative
II. Analyses. (30 points)
1. Use tree diagrams in IC analysis to clarify the given constructions. (15 points)
(1) beautiful cities and villages
(2) Chinese geography teachers
(3) The boy was crying.
2. Describe the following sound segments. (15 points)
(1) /d/; (2) /n/; (3) / θ/; (4) / ? /; (5) /?/; (6) / ?:/
III. Answer the given questions below. (40 points)
1. What are some important contributions that sociolinguistics has made to linguistic
studies? (10 points)
2. Do you think there are true synonyms in English? Why (not)? (10 points)
3. In what way do we say Chinese is a tone language? (10 points)
4. What is the distinction between inflectional affixes and derivational affixes? (10 points)
IV . Write a short essay in about 500 words on the given topic. (50 points)
What is your understanding of the relationship between language and literature?
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