2018 年硕 士研究 生 招生 考 试试 题
科 目代 码及名 称: 820 英 语语 言学 适 用 专业 :英语 语言 文学 01、03 方 向考 生
( 请考 生在答 题纸 上答题 ,在 此试题 纸上 答题无 效 )
I. Define the following terms. (30 points)
(1) allophone; (2) free morpheme; (3) design features;
(4) complementary antonymy; (5) endocentric construction; (6) reference
II. Analyses. (30 points)
1. Use tree diagrams in IC analysis to clarify the given constructions. (10 points)
(1) Leave the book on the shelf.
(2) Mary became very ill.
2. Describe the following sound segments. (10 points)
(1) /t/; (2) /m/; (3)/s/; (4) /i:/; (5) /u/;
3. Write out the semantic components of each word. (10 points)
(1) gentleman; (2) kill
III. Answer the given questions below. (40 points)
1. How do you understand the distinction between performance and competence? (10 points)
2. What would language be like if it had not the property of duality? (10 points)
3. How can a linguist make his analysis scientific? (10 points)
4. Why should language teachers learn some knowledge of linguistics? (10 points)
IV . Write a short essay in about 500 words on the given topic. (50 points)
What is pragmatic failure? Support your statement with some instances of pragmatic failure
in the English used by Chinese learners of English.
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