2018 年硕 士研究 生 招生 考 试试 题
科目代 码及名称: 904 英 语教学法 适用专 业: 045108 学科教 学 (英语)
( 请考 生在答 题纸 上答题 ,在 此试题 纸上 答题无 效 )
Part I Explanation of Terminology (20 points, 共 5 小题每题 4 分)
1.structural view of language
2. information gap
3. silent way
4. deductive method (grammar teaching)
5. reliability (in testing)
Part II Statement Judging (20 points, 共 10 小题 每题 2 分)
1. Affective Filter Hypothesis is based on the theory of an affective filter, which states that successful second
language acquisition depends on the learner's feeling. Negative attitudes are said to act as a filter,
preventing the learner from making use of INPUT, and thus hindering success in language learning.
2. Cognitive style is a particular way in which a learner tries to learn something. In second or foreign
language learning, different learners may prefer different solutions to learning problems.
3. Discipline in the language classroom refers to a code of conduct which binds a teacher and a group of
students together so that learning can be more effective.
4. Sight vocabulary refers to the words that one is able to immediately recognize with both sounds and
meanings without special effort from the brain.
5. Assimilation is a process in which a group gradually gives up its own language, culture, and system of
values and takes on those of another group with a different language, culture and system of values, through
a period of interaction.
6. Littlewood (1981) divides communicative speaking activities into two types: information-gap activities and
communication activities.
7. Reading comprehension is based on the interactive process between visual information obtained from the
reading materials and the readers' prior knowledge (of language, of the world, of text types) in interactive
reading model.
第 1 页, 共 4 页