专 业: 英语笔译硕士专业学位
科目名称: 英语翻译基础(357) 共3页 第1页
I. Read the following passage and explain Venuti’s “Domesticating” strategy in no
more than 100 English words. (20 points)
This relationship points to the violence that resides in the very purpose and activity of
translation: the reconstitution of the foreign text in accordance with values, beliefs and
representations that pre-exist it in the target language, always configured in hierarchies of
dominance and marginality, always determining the production, circulation, and reception of
texts. Translation is the forcible replacement of the linguistic and cultural difference of the
foreign text with a text that will be intelligible to the target language reader. (Lawrence Venuti
II. Translate the following items into their respective target language. (30 points)
1. biennial 2. Aristotle 3. ubiquitous
4. mobile etiquette 5. paradox
6. brain drain 7. baby-boomers 8. Kublai Khan
9. the Nile 10. Gini coefficient
11. downsizing, restructuring and outsourcing
12. Jason, leader of the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece
13. 垃圾邮件和钓鱼软件 14. (网购)打分和评价
15. 条形码 16. 智库 17. 新常态
18. (股票)上市 19. (公司间的)收购
20. 大宗交易 21. 住院和门诊服务
22. “发展体育运动,增强人民体质” 23. “百花齐放,百家争鸣”