2018年宁波大学英语翻译基础考研真题357.doc宁波大学 2018 年硕 士 研 究 生 招 生考 试 初 试 试 题(A 卷)
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第 1 页 共 2 页
科目代码: 357 总分值: 150 科目名称: 英语翻译基础
一、词语互译(2 ×20 =40 分)
说明: 本部 分共 20 个 词语 ,汉语 和英 语各 10 个 , 或选自 国内 外时 事新 闻, 或选自 翻译
理论术 语。 请将 汉语 词语 翻译为 英语 ,英 语词 语翻 译为汉 语。
1. 脸部识 别技 术 2. 美 国总 统对 中国 的国 事 访问
3. 供给侧 改革 4. 国 民经 济和 社会 发展 第 十三个 五年 规划
5. 激发创 新活 力 6. 社 会主 义核 心价 值观
7. 不忘初 心 8. 房 地产 市场
9. 经济全 球化 10. 软 实力
11. translation process 12. functional equivalence
13. source language 14. communicative translation
15. target text 16. domestication
17. informative text type 18. literary translation
19. translator’s subjectivity 20. the invisibility of the translator
二 、英 汉篇章 翻译 (1 ×60=60 分)
Middle-aged, unemployed, single and my money spent, I’m an utter failure in comparison to many
of my college peers.
I graduated from an elite university in the 1980s. My class of approximately 1550 has generated a
Nobel Prize winner, a Pulitzer Prize winner, a World Bank chief, a few ambassadors, at least one
current governor and several mayors. I know former classmates who are university presidents, college
professors, CEOs and so on.
What a load of over-achievers!
Meanwhile, the rest of us remain uncelebrated, absent from the public eye, not courted by private
bankers, nosy paparazzi ( 狗仔队), respected charities, luxury real estate agents or art auction houses.
Post-graduate achievement is usually measured in degrees earned and awarded, class rankings,
corporate titles, magazine covers and social media popularity, and money made. At elite institutions’
alumni gatherings, the bar for storytelling is set high, with summary biographies of our most luminous
graduates shared in hushed murmurs. How can we compare ourselves to our peer’s stupendously
visible achievements and not think ourselves failures?
In the 1800s, Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard ( 克尔凯 郭尔) addressed the same question
with his own story: “The Lily in the Field and the Bird of the Air”. In it, Kierkegaard describes a little
bird that loves to gossip to its friend the lily. The bird, he writes, has a bad habit of saying “all sorts of
things, true and untrue, about other places where lilies far more splendid were found in great