宁波大学 2019 年硕 士 研 究 生 招 生考 试 初 试 试 题(B 卷)
( 答案必须写在考点提供的答 题纸上)
第 1 页 共 10 页
科目代码: 244 总分 值: 100 科目名称: 英语( 二外)
Part I Cloze Test (20 points, 1 point each)
Directions: In this part you are required to read the given passages carefully, and then fill in each
blank with an appropriate word given in the boxes. Each word is allowed to be used only once.
You should not change the form of the word but you can capitalize the initial letter if the word is
used at the beginning of the sentence. Write your choices in the Answer Sheet.
Passage One
that why so if while
because whose or but what
Do you find it difficult to sit in a desk chair and work for 15 minutes, yet easy and natural to sit at
a piano bench for two hours playing tunes? 1 , in school, was it impossible to remember
geometrical equations, while you can rattle off all the music notes? Or, do you sometimes get great
ideas for songs, and immediately stop 2 you ’re doing and focus on that? 3 a few of these
are true, you might have ADD tendencies.
Attention deficit disorder, or ADD, is a group of disorders 4 affects approximately 5 to 1l
percent of the population, more common in boys than girls, and in children than adults. A person with
ADD could have difficulty concentrating, be constantly in motion, may come across as uncontrollable,
may have abnormal tendencies to overly focus on something. In many cases, an ADD individual will
compensate by seeking to intensify the amount of stimulation in their brain through seeking conflict,
self-medicating with coffee / tobacco / alcohol / drugs, and a host of other behaviors of varying degrees
healthiness or self-destructiveness.
Music is stimulating, and focusing on practice or listening can lead to increased proficiency, 5
music is a natural fit for many with ADD. That ’s a potential reason 6 some feel unable to focus
on geometry, 7 able to focus on music theory: 8 music can stimulate an underactive brain.
Typically, ADD is associated with low activity in the brain, and music helps to raise blood flow and
overall activities. It can enhance neuronal connection.
9 ADD is considered a disorder, in fact, many people with ADD are high achievers and
may even consider it a benefit, and part of what makes them unusually effective. The internet is
abundant with lists of famous musicians who reportedly have ADD---some by their own admission and
others 10 diagnosis is widely speculative.