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  • 上传作者:宁波大学
  • 上传时间:2019-12-30
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文档路径淘题库 > 考研专业题库 > 浙江高校 > 宁波大学 > 外国语学院 >

2019年宁波大学英语翻译基础考研真题357.doc 宁波大学 2019 年硕 士 研 究 生 招 生考 试 初 试 试 题(B 卷) ( 答案必须写在考点提供的答 题纸上) 第 1 页 共 2 页 科目代码: 357 总分值: 150 科目名称: 英语翻译基础 一、词语互译( 每 小题 2 分 ,共 40 分) 说明:本 部分共 20 个 词 语,汉 语和 英语各 10 个 ,或选 自国 内外 时事 新闻 ,或选 自翻 译 理论术 语。 请将 汉语 词语 翻译为 英语 ,英 语词 语翻 译为汉 语。 1. 人民的 获得 感 2. 中 美贸 易摩 擦 3. 共享经 济 4. 中 国人 民政 治协 商会 议 5. 春运 6. 网 络购 物 7. 信息社 会 8. 人 口密 度 9. 外向型 经济 10. 电 子商 务 11. domestication 12. translation quality 13. communicative translation 14. target language 15. source text 16. change of part of speech 17. intralingual translation 18. consecutive interpreting 19. dynamic equivalence 20. the cognitive process of translation 二 、英 汉篇章 翻译 (70 分) Have you ever been a flower girl, a bridesmaid, or caught the bouquet at a friend’s wedding? All of these customs are expected at modern weddings, but these wedding traditions actually date back to ancient times. In fact, different cultures have created their own wedding customs. Many of these customs have stood the test of time and have evolved into the wedding traditions we are familiar with today. 1. Wedding veil This wedding tradition dates back to the origin of arranged marriages. Traditionally, the groom’s family would not allow him to see his bride until the wedding. This is because if he didn’t like her looks, there was a chance that he might not agree to marry her. Therefore, the veil was used to conceal the bride’s appearance up until the very moment in which they were to be married.
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