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  • 上传作者:杭州师范大学
  • 上传时间:2020-10-26
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文档路径淘题库 > 考研专业题库 > 浙江高校 > 杭州师范大学 > 外国语学院 >

2019年杭州师范大学翻译与写作考研真题830.DOC杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 招 生 考 试 命 题 纸 2019 年 考 试科目 代码 830 考试 科目名称 翻 译与写 作 ( 本考试科 目共 2 页 ,第 1 页) 杭 州 师 范 大 学 2019 年 招收 攻读 硕 士研 究 生考 试 题 考 试科目代码: 830 考 试科目名称: 翻 译与写作 说明: 考生 答题 时一 律写 在答题 纸上 ,否 则漏 批责 任自负 。 I. Translate the following passage into Chinese: (40 分) Many teachers, meantime, are frankly tired of fighting this fight and have given up. Others have decided it takes too much of their energy to police. But teachers and school administrators should develop some spine. When did we decide to let kids and their parents run the classroom? In his book, Mr. Newport talks about something known as "attention residue effect." Research has revealed that switching your attention from one target to another isn’t as simple as it sounds. When this occurs, there is "attention residue” – meaning you’re still thinking of the previous task even as you start another. So, if you check your phone for texts or the latest baseball score, even if it’s only for a few seconds, your brain will operate more slowly for up to a half hour afterwards. Now, think about the scene being played out in our country’s classrooms and it’s not difficult to surmise that many students are working at a fraction of their full ability. If we want our students to do better, let’s help them by banning cellphones in the classroom. II. Translate the following passage into English: (40 分) 太阳从大玻璃窗透进来, 照到大白纸糊的墙上 , 照到三屉桌上, 照到 我的小床上来了。 我醒了, 还躺在 床上, 看那道太 阳光里 飞舞着 的许多小 小的、 小小的 尘埃。宋 妈过来 掸窗 台,掸桌 子,随 着鸡毛 掸子的舞 动,那 道阳光 里的尘埃 加多了 ,飞舞 得更热闹 了,我 赶忙 拉起被来蒙住脸,是怕尘埃把我呛得咳嗽。 宋妈的鸡 毛掸子 轮到 来 掸我的小 床了, 小床 上 的棱棱角 角她都 掸到 了 ,掸子把 儿碰在 床栏上,格格地响,我想骂她,但她倒先说话了: “还没睡够哪! ” 说着, 她把我的被大掀开来, 我穿 着绒褂裤的身体整个露在被外, 立 刻就打了两个喷嚏。她强迫我起来,给我穿衣服。
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