2019年杭州师范大学英语教学基础知识考研真题829.DOC杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 招 生 考 试 命 题 纸
2019 年 考 试科目 代码 829 考试科目 名称 英 语教学 基础 知识 (本 考试科 目 共 8 页 ,第 1 页)
杭 州 师 范 大 学
2019 年 招收 攻读 硕 士研 究 生考 试 题
考 试科目代码: 829
考 试科目名称: 英 语 教学基础知识
说明: 考生 答题 时一 律写 在答题 纸上 ,否 则漏 批责 任自负 。
一 、判 断题( 每小 题 2 分 ,共 40 分)
1. When designing listening tasks, Anderson and Jynchclaim that it is very important to grade
the difficulty level of the tasks into four categories. These are type of language knowledge,
type of language used, task on purpose in listening, and context in which the listening occurs.
2. Inferencing is a whole unit of communicative text, either spoken or written, which focuses on
the way that the text is organized, its layout, the style of the language, the register.
3. Stress and phonics are as important as the sounds and should be taught from the very
beginning of pronunciation teaching.
4. Hedge (2000) discusses five main components of communicative competence, they are
linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence
and expressional competence.
5. The structural view tries to know how to use the rules and vocabulary to do whatever it is one
wants to do.
6. Littlewood (1981) classified communicative activities into two categories, they are functional
communicative activities and social context activities.
7. An effective reader can concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the
non-informative parts.
8. The outcome-oriented approach does no pay attention to what students do while they are
writing; it attaches great importance to the content before they start writing and after they
finish writing.
9. The purpose for reading aloud is to appreciate a good piece of writing or to share information.
10. Effective group work depends on careful preparation and meticulous management.
11. In order to motivate students, we should advocate active writing, that is, ask our students to
write things we write in reality or things they want to write about.
12. Learning, practice and thinking are three sub-stages involved in teacher’s professional
development system raised by Wallace (1991).
13. Functional and social-interaction activities under the heading of communicative activities are