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  • 上传作者:青岛科技大学
  • 上传时间:2019-12-13
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文档路径淘题库 > 考研专业题库 > 山东高校 > 青岛科技大学 > 外国语学院 >

2016年青岛科技大学翻译硕士英语考研真题.doc 第 页( 共7 页) 1 青 岛 科 技 大 学 二 ○一 六年 硕士 研究 生 入 学考 试 试 题 考 试科 目: 翻 译硕 士英语 注意事 项:1. 本试 卷共 3 道大 题( 共计 46 个小 题 ) ,满 分 100 分; 2 .本 卷属 试 题卷 ,答 题另有 答题 卷,答 案一 律写在答 题卷 上,写 在该 试题卷上 或草 纸上均 无效 。要 注意 试卷 清洁, 不要 在试 卷上 涂划 ; 3.必 须用 蓝、 黑钢 笔或 签 字笔答 题, 其它 均无 效。 ﹡﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡﹡ ﹡ I. Vocabulary and Grammar. (30 points ) Directions :Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, or D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1. Although Christopher Columbus remains a _______ historical figure around the world and has been researched and written about for centuries, there are many details of his life that are still a mystery. A. promising B. prominent C. problematic D. preceding 2. The Nobel Prizes were first presented in 1901 and have since become some of the most ______ awards in the world. A. prestigious B. primary C. previous D. precise 3. The most commonly reported sleep _______ is insomnia, experienced by approximately 10 to 15 percent of adults. Insomniacs report difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep. A .mode B. medicine C. therapy D. disorder 4. Travelers to the Andes wouldn’t find a single line of formidable peaks but rather a ______of parallel and transverse mountain ranges, mixed with intervening plateaus and depressions. A .succession B. success C. successor D. succeeding 5. Blaming what it said were hostile U.S. policies, North Korea _______ a meeting that was to have been held in September. A. attended B. organized C. boycotted D. sponsored 6. The traditional way of doing this has been to use death rates or self reported measures of chronic illness derived from _______ or surveys of the population. A .censors B. consensus C. conscience D. censuses 7. With no money, job, or _______ address, the future looked bleak for Lisa and baby Nicole A .permanent B. temporary C. chronic D. occasional 8. Many _______ species obviously co-operate with others of their own kind, to the benefit of all: lionesses co-operate in hunting, and in bringing up the cubs; meerkats stand guard over the colony. A .hostile B. gregarious C. competitive D. exclusive 9. Skin preparation before surgery normally involves at least washing and may additionally include
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