2016年青岛科技大学英语综合考试1考研真题.doc 第 页( 共2 页) 1
青 岛 科 技 大 学
二○ 一 六年 硕士 研究 生 入 学考 试试 题
考 试科 目:英语综 合考试 I
注意事 项:1. 本试 卷共 6 道大题 (共 计 12 个 小题) ,满 分 150 分;
2 .本 卷属 试题卷 ,答 题另有 答题 卷,答 案一 律写在答 题卷 上,写 在该 试题卷上 或草
纸上均 无效 。要 注意 试卷 清洁, 不要 在试 卷上 涂划 ;
3.必 须用 蓝、 黑钢 笔或 签 字笔答 题, 其它 均无 效。
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Section I Define the following terms (20 points)
Give the definition of each term in no less than 50 words.
1. interlanguage 2. psycholinguistics 3. communicative competence 4. applied linguistics
Section II Essay questions (40 points)
Answer each of the following questions in no less than 100 words.
1. Explain Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
2. How do you understand the different levels of arbitrariness in language?
3. What is the referential theory?
4. What are the special features of the structuralist linguistics?
Section I Translate the following passage into Chinese (20 points)
Wherever you are, and whoever you may be, there is one thing in which you and I are just alike at
this moment, and in all the moments of our existence. We a re not at rest; we are on a journey. Our life is
a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal. We are gaining something,
or losing something, everyday. Even when our position and our character seem to remain precisely the
same, they are changing. For the mere advance of time is a change. It is not the same thing to have a
bare field in January and in July. The season makes the difference. The limitations that are childlike in
the child are childish in the man. Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another. Even the
failure to do something is in itself a deed. It sets us forward or backward. The action of the negative
pole of a magnetic needle is just as real as the action of the positive pole. To decline is to accept — the
other alternative. Are you nearer to your port today than you were yesterday? Yes, — you must be a little