2017年青岛科技大学英语综合考试1考研真题.doc 第 页( 共2 页) 1
青 岛 科 技 大 学
二 ○一 七年 硕士 研究 生 入 学考 试 试 题
考 试科 目:英语综 合考试 I
注意事 项:1. 本试 卷共 6 道大题 (共 计 12 个 小题) ,满 分 150 分;
2 .本 卷属 试题卷 ,答 题另有 答题 卷,答 案一 律写在答 题卷 上,写 在该 试题卷上 或草
纸上均 无效 。要 注意 试卷 清洁, 不要 在试 卷上 涂划 ;
3.必 须用 蓝、 黑钢 笔或 签 字笔答 题, 其它 均无 效。
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Section I Define the following terms (20 points)
Give the definition of each term in no less than 50 words.
1. frequency effect 2. linguistics 3. morpheme 4. illocutionary act
Section II Essay questions (40 points)
Answer each of the following questions in no less than 100 words.
1. Illustrate the distinctions between competence and performance.
2. What are the metafunctions of language in the functional grammar?
3. What are the distinctions between diachronic and synchronic studies of language?
4. Give some of the major contributions to modern linguistics made by Saussure.
Section I Translate the following passage into Chinese (20 points)
A European lately arrived in China, if he is of a receptive and reflective disposition, finds himself
confronted with a number of very puzzling questions, for many of which the problems of Western
Europe will not have prepared him. Russian problems, it is true, have important affinities with those of
China, but they have also important differences; moreover they are decidedly less complex. Chinese
problems, even if they affected no one outside China, would be of vast importance, since the Chinese
are estimated to constitute about a quarter of the human race. In fact, however, all the world will be
vitally affected by the development of Chinese affairs, which may well prove a decisive factor, for good
or evil, during the next two centuries. This makes it important, to Europe and America almost as much
as to Asia, that there should be an intelligent understanding of the questions raised by China, even if, as
yet, definite answers are difficult to give.
----From “The Problem of China” by Bertrand Russell